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                            “Let them give thanks to the LORD for His unfailing love and His wonderful deeds for men, 

for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.”

Psalms 107:8-9

VALUE FOCUS: Compassion    SKILL FOCUS: Co-operation   GOD IS OUR PROVIDER! 


Psalm 91 is the perfect promise to declare daily.

May the prayers of His people arise!

Thank you all those who have been praying, your prayers are bringing forth breakthroughs.

Keep it up!

  • Let’s not be overcome by ‘Fear’ but rise up in ‘Faith’.
  • Let’s tune into what God is saying to us.
  • Let Holy Spirit guide you and your whanau into all TRUTH
  • Let’s continue to Pray, Praise and Worship Him, that He may come and dwell richly with us in these challenging times.

Abundant Blessings, Jacqueline Te Huia


2021 Term 3:

  • ENDS:               Friday         1 October

2021 Term 4:

  • STARTS:           Monday      18 October




  • 30 November  Accord Teacher Training Day                      Both Campuses


  • 2-3 October    Northland Performing Arts Competition   Whangarei

For further details please see below the heading EVENTS:




ALERT LEVEL 2  UPDATE 7 September: 

Tena koutou whanau ma – warm greetings to everyone.

School Open on Thursday 9th September

To follow on from yesterday’s message about re-starting onsite learning at school, I would like to share with you what it will ‘look’ like on our two campuses from Thursday onwards and for all of the time that we are at Covid Alert Level 2.

There is quite a lot of information for me to share and much of it is taken from ‘official’ sites and reproduced here. The full FAQ is available here:

While the information below may seem a bit OTT, we want whanau to know we are committed to doing everything we can to protect our children, whanau, young people and staff and to assist the Government to get us back to ‘normal’ as soon as possible.

  • We find in the Bible, in Romans 13, guidance from the Apostle Paul about obeying those who rule over us.  He recognises God has appointed the authorities to look after the people, and although (sadly) many governments use this power to govern in opposition to God’s law, we are guided to obey our leaders in matters such as this. We are a witness to our community of the love of Christ and we are to reflect the in-dwelling Jesus through our conduct towards others.

Key Points

  • Our school will open on Thursday 8th September for all students.
  • The only exceptions are children or young people who are sick or are in isolation awaiting Covid test results.
  • School buses will be running.
  • Students and staff will maintain appropriate physical distancing.
  • Good hygiene practices will be observed – washing and drying hands, sanitising, safe coughing and sneezing protocols.
  • Rooms will be temperature controlled to maintain temperature within the recommended range of 18 to 20 degrees
  • Rooms will have good ventilation.
  • Mask wearing is strongly recommended for students and staff.
  • Regular sanitisation and cleaning of surfaces, rooms, high contact surfaces and equipment will take place.
  • School Entrance Gates will be closed to vehicles.
  • If parents are dropping students off at the gate they do not need to contact trace (unless they enter the school grounds.
  • For safety purposes we will designate a ‘Drop-off’ area at the Waimate Campus inside the gates.
  • All visitors to the school will be required to sign in and out with the Sign-in App or filling in the Contact Tracing Register at the office counter.
  • Visitors to school will not be given access to classrooms – whanau needing to pick children up must wait at the office for the children to be collected.
  • All visitors will be advised that it is a requirement that they maintain physical distancing of 2 metres minimum.

For students and adults who are unwell there is an expectation that conversations will be held before decisions to send people home are made – this is particularly important for anyone who may have asthma, allergies, hay fever or other conditions with similar symptoms.

  • We are advised that … ”Before a child, student or staff member is sent home, they should be feeling unwell and where relevant, there should always be a conversation with the caregiver to determine whether there is another explanation for their child’s symptoms that may mean that they do not pose a risk to others and do not need to go home”.

We are thankful to be moving down the Alert Levels and ask you to join us in praying for our nation.

Nga mihi mahana

David Rogers – Principal

ALERT LEVEL 2  UPDATE 6 September: 

Tena koutou whanau ma – warm greetings to everyone.

As you will have heard during this afternoons briefing by our Prime Minister, schools outside of Auckland will be open for onsite learning from Thursday onwards under Level 2 conditions.
  • This is great news, especially for our senior students who have time pressures with their NCEA learning.
As soon as I have the relevant advice from the Secretary for Education I will pass it on to you.
  • We already have a robust plan for Level 2 procedures and will be ready to implement them from Thursday onwards to ensure the safe operation of the school.
Nga mihi mahana
David Rogers – Principal

We know that lockdowns are hard and parents are always looking for activities for their kids that don’t involve too much screen-time!
Our 5 offices in the Far North (Ray White Kaitaia, Doubtless Bay, Paihia, Kawakawa and Kaikohe) have decided to launch a fantastic competition on our Facebook pages to help with this.
  • We’re inviting all kids (aged 12 and under) to build their dream house out of ANYTHING – cardboard boxes, lego blocks, recycled material – the options are endless.  Any size and any type of house, they can let their imaginations run WILD 🙂
We would love to invite all of the students at your school to participate as well – there are some awesome cash prizes up for grabs:
  • 1st prize:    $ 150
  • 2nd prize: $ 100
  • 3rd prize:  $   50
To enter: 
1.      Go to one of our office Facebook pages
  • search for “Ray White Kaitaia”, “Ray White Doubtless Bay”, “Ray White Paihia” or “Ray White Kaikohe”
2.      Like the page
3.      Build their dream home
4.      Mum, dad or caregiver: take a picture and upload it to our Facebook page along with the child’s name
Entries close Friday the 10th of September so they need to hurry!
If you have any questions regarding the competition, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards
Chantelle Mackenzie
Chantelle Mackenzie
Admin – Marketing | Ray White Kaitaia/Doubtless Bay/Paihia/Kaikohe/Kawakawa

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  • The 3rd of the Accord days will take place: Tuesday 30th and will be a ‘Teacher Only Day’.  The School will not be open.

With the changes to NCEA being undertaken currently, there are planned days scheduled for teachers in our region to take part in specific training opportunities – these days are being called Accord Days and schools are asked to run them as Teacher Only days


Bayly and Lily Hayhurst both entered instrumental competition, hopefully still running in the beginning of October. Lily will play 2 solos and 2 duets, one of which is with her brother Bayly. Bayly will also play a solo. Wish them the best!

At this stage, we are hoping to go ahead with the competitions, but this is entirely dependent on the COVID situation as we will need to be at Level 2 or lower.  As you may be aware, we have had to cancel both our Dance Sections already.  I will of course keep you up to date as much as I can.

We are, once again, starting with a Saturday evening class. This decision has been made in order for Competition volunteers to travel here on the first day of the school holidays.  I have tried to accommodate those who contacted me with requests about availability.


Sarah Edgecombe
Piano & Instrumental Section Convenor

Blessings to you all and stay safe!





We are currently experiencing difficulties with the sizing of Uniforms from this supplier, which has recently owners.

The sizes have completely changed and don’t reflect NZ sizing, nor sizes that would normally be close to the age of the child, so we do recommend you trying the sizes on, at the Kaikohe Campus Office before you order /purchase any uniforms.

  • They have sent us samples for Fleece tops, so you can try them on before you order. 

We apologise for any inconvenience and are investigating an alternative but it cannot occur till next year, so we’ll have to make do for the rest of this year.

Our School Office no longer carries stock of School Uniforms

  • Except for: Year 9 – 13 Velocity Jackets that can be purchased from Kaikohe Campus Office only.

There are 2 options available for purchasing the rest of the School Uniforms:

1)   Order School Uniforms Direct Online at:

Uniform Hub:

  • Online shopping at: or
  • Facebook page: @northlanduniformhub
  • Address: 577 Kamo Road, Kamo, Whangarei 0112
    Email: [email protected]
    Phone: 09 435 2576
  • Opening hours: Mon – Fri 8.30am – 5pm & Sat 9am-12.30

2)  Order and pay at Kaikohe Campus School Office (in person)

  •       52 Mangakahia Road, Kaikohe
  •       You need to be sure of the sizes before ordering, as exchanges will incur extra costs.


We are having a crackdown on the bringing of mobile phones to school.
This has been in place since the beginning of the last term however our students need reminding.
Rules – If caught:
1st time:
  • Mobile handed to the teacher, who will take it to the front office and the student will collect it at the end of school.
2nd time +:
  • Mobile taken to the front office and kept until the end of the term and the parents are to pick the phone up.
This is to eliminate face booking, cyberbullying and distractions from schoolwork.
Let’s work together in ensuring that every tauira in this school succeeds at whatever vocation they pursue.
He waka eke noa=Everyone working together


With less than 1% payments being made by cheque to some Banks, they are now being phased out as a payment option.
  • Please be advised that our School will no longer be able to accept Cheques as a form of payment.
Please contact the School Office 09 4011 873 should you have any queries.


Please be informed that Payments to the School, can be made the following ways:

  1. Online (by preference)
  2. EFTPOS.  However we don’t accept School Fees via EFTPOS.
  3. A Cash payment, needs to be of the right amount, because we do not give out change.

Please contact the School Office 09 401 1873 for any queries


Kia ora Whanau,

We would like to invite you to join our Facebook page. Here you will find highlights from our week, important notices and snapshots of the learning. Please scan the QR code below to join our group, we would love to have you onboard.


Reminder:  Parents / Caregivers please phone our School Office on 09 4011 873 or email by 9 am in mornings should your child / children be absent.

Should we miss your call, please leave a message on our answering phone:

Please advise the following details:

  • The student’s name
  • The absence reason
  • When they are likely to return to school

Failure to do so will result in Follow up action for ‘Truancy’, as part of the ‘Rock On Truancy Project’.

You may receive a text, email, phone call and where serious Truancy occurs a ‘Rock On Letter’.

Jacqueline Te Huia


  • Any student arriving late to School is required to sign in at the School Office upon arrival
  • Parents of young students who arrive late, will need to sign them in before dropping them off to their class
  • At the first class / form time of the day, the School Roll is marked and any marked ‘absent’ will be followed up as noted above, for attendance absences
  • It’s important your children arrive to school on time, as this too is considered a form of Truancy


All visitors who enter our School Grounds are required to sign in / out at our School Office

  • We take seriously the security and welfare of our students and therefore require Parents and Visitors adhere to this requirement
  • If it’s before the first school bell and you’re just dropping your children off and immediately leaving, you won’t need to sign in/out
  • If you remain onsite, you will be considered as a ‘Visitor’ and therefore will need to sign in / out at the School Office
  • If you arrive early to pick up your child / children and it’s before the final school bell, you will need to sign your child out, at the School Office
Blessings to you all and stay safe!
