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Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Matthew 11:28


Tena koutou whanau ma – warm greetings to everyone

In the book of Ecclesiastes we learn that there are seasons in our lives and that the seasons come and go. Ecclesiastes 3:1 states that “There is a season for everything, and a time for every event under the sun”. In all aspects of our lives there is change – and the ‘constant in the change’ is The Lord Jesus Christ. He is the one upon whom we set our gaze – to walk with Him at all times.

The season of change we are in currently is one of sadness as we prepare to farewell David and Laura Prickett who are heading back to their home country for a new season in their lives. Both David and Laura have served in the school over the years and I will take this opportunity here to thank them both for their work of service here. I know both will be sorely missed. We will of course be farewelling them formally, and this will be done over two events. Although David is not officially finishing until the end of the first week back at school next term, we will be holding a School Farewell for both David and Laura this Friday at 2:30 in the school hall – whanau are warmly invited to attend. There will also be a final farewell on Friday 26th July where I will be able to thank David for his contribution on behalf of the school and community – whanau are also warmly invited to attend this at 2:30pm on that day.

David has worked in the school for ten years, starting as a classroom teacher and quickly demonstrating strengths in teaching, relationship building and leadership. He was asked to step into a leadership role early in his time here as Head of Primary and more recently has taken on the role of Deputy Principal. David has the respect of students and colleagues alike and will  leave a big gap when he leaves.

With change, as doors close, in the Lord, others open and in this regard we have the privilege of welcoming Robert Torr into the school as our new Deputy Principal. Robert comes to us most recently from Matamata college and brings with him many years of service to education and counselling through the mid-regions of the North Island, particularly in Rangitikei College, Whanganui Collegiate and Matamata College. Robert has a wide range of experience in NZ education and we are looking forward to welcoming him and his wife, Louise into our rohe and school. There will be a formal powhiri for Robert and his supporting party on Monday 22nd July at 9:00am – whanau are warmly invited to attend this ceremony.

End of Term

As we close out the end of this term, my thanks go out to whanau, particularly for your support in helping us improve attendance, which although still needing some way to go to reaching our target of 90%, has nonetheless improved to 82% school-wide.

As we head into the holiday break, we pray for refreshment and fulfilling whanau time with loved ones and friends.

Psalm 107:1 Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!

Nga mihi mahana

David Rogers



Term 2
Term 2
Term 3-4 Technology Year 7-8 Every Tuesdays
Term 2


Term 1 Start Tuesday 31st January 2024
End Friday 12th April 2024
Term 2 Start Monday 29th April 2024
End Friday 5th July 2024
Term 3 Start Monday 22nd July 2024
End Friday 27th September 2024



Term 2 Monday 3rd June 2024 Kings Birthday
Term 2 Friday 28th June 2024 Matariki


Meeting Dates:                                                                                                                                                                           

Term 1 Tuesday 13th February 2024
Term 2 Tuesday 14th May 2024
Term 2 Tuesday 18th June 2024





Year 7&8 students going to Moerewa School every Tuesday to do woodwork and food technology. The bus leaves at 8.55am and will return to school at 2.45pm. All students must wear full uniform which includes shoes. They also need to bring a lined exercise book and a pencil every week. Technology will start in week 1 in term 3.
Thank you!







Celebration Youth 412. Youth event for those aged 12 and over at the Celebration Centre (school hall) on Friday at 7:00 pm. Contact Josiah Shaw 021 022 42000 or Brian Heihei 022 198 1757.

Mike Shaw

CEO Celebration Trust

 PO Box 235 – Kaikohe

Phone +64 9 405 3996

Cell     +64 21 842 302





The Ministry of Education does not fund building related costs at our School. Attendance Dues are only used to pay for building related costs. They can not be used for any other purposes.  Paying Attendance Dues is a condition of enrolment for all students attending our School. Attendance Dues are compulsory – there is a legal requirement for parents and caregivers to pay Attendance Dues under the Education and Training Act 2020. They are not a donation.

Mike Shaw

CEO Celebration Trust




Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Psalm 150:6

Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise! Psalm 95:2

Lunch For The Week
Blessings to you all and stay safe!