Follow this Author: Joni Erueti

Follow this Author: Joni Erueti

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Joni Erueti

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So far Joni Erueti has created 68 posts.

TERM 1- WEEK 10: 4 April 2024

  THIS WEEK'S MEMORY VERSE Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28  PRINCIPAL'S NOTICE KEY DATES: IMPORTANT SCHOOL DATES Dates Events PRIMARY Term 1 [...]

By |4th April 2024|School Newsletters|0 Comments

TERM 1- WEEK 9: 28 March 2024

  THIS WEEK'S MEMORY VERSE Lazy people want much but get little, but those who work hard will prosper and be satisfied. Proverbs 13:4  PRINCIPAL'S NOTICE KEY DATES: IMPORTANT SCHOOL DATES Dates Events PRIMARY Term [...]

By |28th March 2024|School Newsletters|0 Comments

TERM 1- WEEK 8: 21 March 2024

  THIS WEEK'S MEMORY VERSE What ever you do, do well. Ecclesiastes 9:10  PRINCIPAL'S NOTICE Tena koutou whanau ma – warm greetings to everyone. Attendance Last week, in a fairly lengthy message, I shared some [...]

By |21st March 2024|School Newsletters|0 Comments

TERM 1- WEEK 7: 14 March 2024

  THIS WEEK'S MEMORY VERSE Work brings profit, but mere talk leads to poverty. Proverbs 14:23  PRINCIPAL'S NOTICE Tena koutou whanau ma – warm greetings to everyone. Attendance Last week, in a fairly lengthy message, [...]

By |14th March 2024|School Newsletters|0 Comments

TERM 1- WEEK 6: 7 March 2024

  THIS WEEK'S MEMORY VERSE Make the most of every opportunity for doing good in these evil days. Ephesians 5:16  PRINCIPAL'S NOTICE Tena koutou whanau ma – warm greetings to everyone. Seasons come and go [...]

By |7th March 2024|School Newsletters|0 Comments

TERM 1- WEEK 5: 29 February 2024

  THIS WEEK'S MEMORY VERSE Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established. Proverbs 16:3  PRINCIPAL'S NOTICE Tena koutou whanau ma – warm greetings to all. Legal matters I want to [...]

By |29th February 2024|School Newsletters|0 Comments

TERM 1- WEEK 4: 22 February 2024

  THIS WEEK'S MEMORY VERSE If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Romans 12:18  PRINCIPAL'S NOTICE Tena koutou whanau ma – warm greetings to all. Well, [...]

By |22nd February 2024|School Newsletters|0 Comments

TERM 1- WEEK 3: 15 February 2024

  THIS WEEK'S MEMORY VERSE Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. Colossians 3:23  PRINCIPAL'S NOTICE KEY DATES: IMPORTANT SCHOOL DATES Dates Events PRIMARY [...]

By |15th February 2024|School Newsletters|0 Comments

TERM 1- WEEK 2: 8 February 2024

  THIS WEEK'S MEMORY VERSE He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. Colossians 1:17  PRINCIPAL'S NOTICE Tena koutou whanau ma – warm greetings to all. Ka nui te mihi, ka [...]

By |8th February 2024|School Newsletters|0 Comments

TERM 1- WEEK 1: 1 February 2024

  THIS WEEK'S MEMORY VERSE As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. Proverbs 27:11  PRINCIPAL'S NOTICE Tena koutou whanau ma – warm greetings to all. Ka nui te mihi, ka nui te aroha [...]

By |1st February 2024|School Newsletters|0 Comments