TERM 2- WEEK 8:15 June 2023
THIS WEEK'S MEMORY VERSE Do to others as you would have them do to you. Luke 6:31 PRINCIPAL'S NOTICE Tena koutou whanau ma, warm greetings to everyone. New Building Project You will no [...]
THIS WEEK'S MEMORY VERSE Do to others as you would have them do to you. Luke 6:31 PRINCIPAL'S NOTICE Tena koutou whanau ma, warm greetings to everyone. New Building Project You will no [...]
THIS WEEK'S MEMORY VERSE Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me in the way everlasting. Psalm 139:24 PRINCIPAL'S NOTICE Tena koutou whanau ma, warm greetings to everyone. New Building [...]
THIS WEEK'S MEMORY VERSE Since you are my rock and my fortress, for the sake of your name lead and guide me. Psalm 31:3 PRINCIPAL'S NOTICE KEY DATES: IMPORTANT SCHOOL DATES Dates Events Term [...]
THIS WEEK'S MEMORY VERSE You Lord are my fortress, that mighty rock where I am saved. Psalm 94:19 PRINCIPAL'S NOTICE KEY DATES: IMPORTANT SCHOOL DATES Dates Events Term 2: Term 2: SCHOOL TERMS Starts: [...]
THIS WEEK'S MEMORY VERSE The Earth is the Lord's and everything in it. Psalm 24:1 PRINCIPAL'S NOTICE KEY DATES: IMPORTANT SCHOOL DATES Dates Events Term 2: Thursday 18th May 2023 Whanau Day (4-7pm) Term [...]
THIS WEEK'S MEMORY VERSE Teach me to do your will for you are my God. Psalm 143:10 PRINCIPAL'S NOTICE Tena koutou whanau ma - warm greetings to everyone Ko tenei te mihi mahana ki [...]
THIS WEEK'S MEMORY VERSE My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me. John 10:27 PRINCIPAL'S NOTICE Tena koutou whanau ma - warm greetings to everyone Ko tenei te mihi [...]
THIS WEEK'S MEMORY VERSE The Lord is me shepherd, I have all that I need. Psalm 23:1 PRINCIPAL'S NOTICE Tena koutou whanau ma - warm greetings to everyone Ko tenei te mihi mahana ki [...]
THIS WEEK'S MEMORY VERSE Don't be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools. Ecclesiastes 7:9 PRINCIPAL'S NOTICE The end of term is approaching fast and have been [...]
THIS WEEK'S MEMORY VERSE Don't be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools. Ecclesiastes 7:9 PRINCIPAL'S NOTICE The end of term is approaching fast and have been [...]
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